Eating Kimchi for Weight Loss: Could it Actually Work?
Does eating kimchi for weight loss work? We took a good, hard look at the evidence and found that the answer is a "maybe" — at best. Learn more here.
The One Meal a Day (OMAD) Diet: Is It Right for You?
The One Meal A Day (OMAD) diet is a form of intermittent fasting that involves consuming just one meal a day, typically within a 2-hour window, and fasting for 22 hours.
What is food noise and how to quiet it
The term “food noise” refers to obsessive or intrusive thoughts about food. “Head hunger” refers to eating for reasons other than the body’s physical need for energy or nutrients.
10 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
People generally associate yoga with “calming the mind”. But did you know that it is also a great way to aid in weight loss and get in shape? Yoga combes movement, breathwork, and mindfulness, making it effective in shedding unwanted pounds and achieving overall wellness.
Yoga and Weight Loss
Yoga integrates physical activity with mindfulness and stress reduction techniques. By holding poses and flowing through sequences, practitioners engage multiple muscle groups, promoting strength, endurance, and flexibility.
Does the Order of Food You Eat Matter for Blood Glucose Control?
Does the order of food you eat matter? How does it impact postprandial and long-term blood glucose levels? What about weight management? Get answers here.
What is GLP-1 and GLP-1 RA?
Glucagon-like peptide-1, or GLP-1, is a natural hormone in the body. It acts in a few different ways to help keep blood sugar under control and promote weight loss.
Are HIIT Workout Benefits All They’re Made Out to Be?
HIIT workout benefits: burn more calories, build muscle mass, improve VO2 max, etc. — but one's got to wonder, "What's the catch?" Find out here.
Using Natural Appetite Suppressants to Lose Weight: What You Need to Know
Natural appetite suppressants typically work via one or a combination of these mechanisms: activating the gastrointestinal tract’s stretch receptors, delaying gastric emptying, and triggering appetite-regulating hormones.
25 Drinks and Foods that Suppress Appetite and Cravings
Foods that suppress appetite generally fall into three categories: 1) high-volume yet low-calorie foods, 2) high-protein foods, and 3) high-fat foods.
How to keep weight off after weaning off weight loss medications?
After stopping a GLP-1RA, a number of individuals may regain a portion of the weight that they lost while taking the medication. Being diligent about a healthy lifestyle will help to prevent weight regain. This includes exercise, a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep.
Benefits of Digital Health Coaching for Your Weight Loss Diet Plan
Now, even busy individuals, constant travelers, and those working odd hours can reap the benefits of personalized health coaching from health coaches and dietitians through digital health coaching.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss: Does it Work?
One shot of apple cider vinegar daily keeps the weight off — could successful weight loss really be as painless and effortless as that? Learn the truth here.